In the latest in the ESG Investment Influencers series, Valeria Martinez speaks to Louis Tambe, senior investment analyst at City Asset Management.
Louis joined City Asset Management in February 2021 and is responsible for investment research, fund selection and asset allocation, mainly focused on equity and alternative asset classes.
Before joining CAM, Louis was a fund analyst at FE Investments, where he covered equity and alternative strategies.
He talks to Valeria about the current state of ESG investing, and the outlook for sustainable funds.
ESG Investment Influencers - in partnership with Fidelity International
Fidelity International is delighted to partner with Investment Week to support the ESG Investment Influencer series.
In an increasingly complex and changing world of sustainable investing, gaining insight from the industry's leading influencers is crucial in helping us shape how we communicate and evidence our active engagement approach.
Click here to find out more information.